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fleksCMS ™

fleksCMS ™  The Content management system

FleksCMS ™ - a flexible and universal system of creating and controlling any information of a contemporary Internet website.  Management of system CMS does not require any professional knowledge. The basic PC knowledge (Internet Explorer, MS Word) is enough for the user.

Besides the easy content control (informative materials, news, archives, price lists, catalogues, banners, the blitz polls, announcements, forums etc.), FleksCMS ™ provides complete control over the structure of the website, as well as offers unlimited amount of page level inserting. Information is edited in online regime through web-interface. An installed editor (analogue of MS Word interface) is scheduled for the formatting of documents.

The advantages of  FleksCMS

  • The installing of the system takes a few days

  • System does not depend on the design of the Internet website

  • The option of upgrade and system enlargement, including at creation of new versions

  • Installed information editor (analogue of MS Word interface)

  • Handy and understandable administration interface

  • The control of system without hiring technical experts

  •  The high speed of page loading

  • The complete automatization of website control processes

FleksCMS™ - a module system that includes in itself the maximal module kit that is necessary for managing the business of a contemporary company.

The basic kit contains such components:

  • The managing of structure and content

  • Installed information editor (analogue of MS Word interface)

  • Circulation of documents

  • Picture libraries

  • The delimitation of right to access the sections

  • Connectable dynamic modules (news, F. A. Q., email-forms etc.)

The structure module offers the website administrator maximum control in work at the structure of website. Administrator has the option to add or delete sections, change the sections’ names, order in which they follow on the menu of the website; to create unlimited amount of inserted pages. There the inactive page function when the page does not need to be deleted but it does not appear on the website for a time.

The installed WYSIWYG editor (analogue of MS Word interface) provides the option to add, edit and format the textual information, pictures, tables etc. on the website. It is an easy and handy to use interface that outwardly, as well as in action similar to MS Word.

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   Last modified: 2023 year, 01 of March, 13:25

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